Midwifery Care Arlington + Boston Area Homebirth Services
Home birth is not only a unique experience, but includes a unique relationship. Unlike providers who are only able to see you for 10 minutes at a time, we spend our time prenatally really getting to know each other, information sharing, and fostering trust and respect. This allows us to create the safest and most fulfilling and empowering birth possible. This care continues into the postpartum period to allow an easy transition into life with an infant.
Prenatal care with your midwife
Once you chose me as your midwife, we would have our prenatals in your home or in my office. Discussions will focus on optimizing nutrition, methods for maintaining a healthy pregnancy, and any physical or emotional issues that may arise. I assess that your baby is growing healthy with a strong heartbeat using a fetoscope, a measuring tape, and my hands. I make sure you are staying healthy by monitoring your blood pressure and watching for anything concerning.
Prenatals are roughly 60 minutes and are every four weeks until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until your baby comes! If you’ve been coming to my office I will do a homevisit at around 36 weeks where you will meet the other midwife who will attend the birth as my assistant. This prenatal is fun and you’re encouraged to invite anyone else who may attend the birth.
Midwifery care for your home birth
At 37 weeks you are considered term and I go on-call for you. When you think something may be starting, call me! Keeping you comfortable and well rested in early labor is the best way to have a smooth active labor.
Once you get into a more “active” pattern with your contractions, the assistant and I will join you in your home. We track vital signs and monitor both you and your baby’s heart rate.
We also aim to offer comfort and emotional support to you and additional family members involved. Once the new baby has arrived, we will stay with you for a few hours until everyone in your home feels secure, has been fed, and happily tucked in for a nap. We also make sure to leave the place as clean or cleaner than when we arrived!
In the event that we no longer feel a homebirth is safest, or you request a transfer, I will accompany to the hospital. I will stay with you as a birth support person the whole duration of your labor and birth and will continue to give you postpartum care as soon as you return home from the hospital.
photo by Bethany Leclerc, A Golden Birth
Midwifery care postpartum
After your baby is born, my care doesn’t stop! I come by frequently to make sure you and baby are adjusting well to each other and recovering from the birth. I will return the day after the birth, some time between 3-5 days after that, at one week, then at the two-week mark and finally at six weeks.
In these visits I’ll be assessing you and your baby's health and well-being, monitoring baby's weight, and helping you with any breastfeeding challenges. During this last appointment, I can also provide a well-woman exam for you, including a pap smear.